In February 2024, the hedge was created with 45 free whips from I Dig Trees including 10 Hawthorn, 10 Blackthorn, 5 Hazel, 5 Dogwood, 5 Elder, 5 Dog Rose, 5 Spindle as well as a donated yew. The whips were planted in off-set rows, about 30 cm apart. Over time the plants should grow thick and bushy. The top third of growth will be trim off to encourage lateral growth next year (2025). The hedge will then be trimmed lightly once a year in late February when all berries are gone. Some variation is possible when the hedge is mature, ie cutting different sides/top each year over 3 years. And if there is a problem it can cut back more deeply on one side, once established. A one – one and a half metre strip has been left between the hedge and the wall for access.